Loki finds his glorious purpose

 In today's post I will review review the first episode of loki and have a deep dive on mobius.

Loki gives a chance to viewers to see loki become a hero after he was killed in infinity war by Thanos. It also connects much more with Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness as it itself deals with the alternate universe. 

The first episode introduces us with the TVA (time variance authority) and Mobius (Owen Wilson). Mr. Mobius Mobius Mobius is one of the clones created by the timekeepers to work in the tva. He first appeared in fantastic four #353. Je was send to discipline the fantastic four when they broke the TVA's laws. I'm the loki series mobius look is meant to resemble Mark Gruenwald who was marvels top continuity expert. Each member of the tva is a clone of Gruenwald.

 It was created by the 3 timekeepers after the multiverse war. Now the tva protect the sacred timeline. We also get to know why loki does bad things and foes he like killing people. The episode creates sympathy in the eyes of the viewer for loki.  The workplace humor is hilarious. The episode creates the excitement for the rest of the series. 

Stay tuned for more Loki reviews every Wednesday. To get notifications about new posts please subscribe to this blog.

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