Zack Snyder's Justice League Review

                                  SPOILERS AHEAD

Director - Zack Snyder

Story - Chris Terrio, Zack Snyder and Will Beall

PLOT: Batman's faith in humanity is restored after superman's sacrifice in batman vs superman. So he goes on to bring al other metahumans together as he thinks there is an attack coming.

The film starts with Superman dying which triggers the 3 mother boxes which send a signal sends a signal to Stepenwolf, who is Darkseid's disgraced lieutenant. This is why he is so desperate to get the mother boxes throughout the movie. This was never shown in the theatrical cut. Steppenwolf arrives in Themyscira and successfully retrieves it. The scenes of the Themyscirians ( or whatever you call them) breaking an lifting the heavy walls contribute to the build up. Queen Hippolyta sends a message to Wonder woman which she receives. Then she tells bruce about Darkseid. Here it also revealed that earth harbors anti life equation and this was why Darkseid attacked earth in the first place. Steppenwolf then attacks and successfully gets the 2nd mother box defeating Aquaman. 

But Darkseid was defeated by an alliance of men , Themyscira, old gods, Atlanteans and a green lantern. After learning this they fastback the process of recruitment. Bruce recruits Flash while Diana recruits Victor aka Cyborg. He refuses but later accepts after his father is kidnapped by Steppenwolf. Then the go and save the kidnaped peopl but the facility is flooded Aquaman comes and helps them. Then they all go to the batcave where Victor tells them that the mother boxes are change machines which will enforce the will of the master destroying or restoring life. Then the deduce that The boxes were inactive as they feared Superman. After this the movie takes a turn. Here batman works only on faith. Try to tell me now that batman is so dark. They resurrect Superman. Here a glimpse of flash's time travelling ability is also seen as time is slightly reversed while flash activates the mother box.
Steppenwolf gets the last mother box. The team then goes on to fight Steppenwolf but fails as  Superman comes in his black suit and stops Steppenwolf from killing Cyborg. But Flash is hit by a parademon so he can't push victor inside the mother boxes. The boxes unite and the earth is terraformed into Apokolips. But Flash travels faster than light and reverses time so that cyborg can separate the boxes and Sreppenwolf is killed . Darkseid sees this from a portal and tells that he will attack earth himself.

In the post credit scene Martian manhunter visits bruce to tell him that the threat is still there and he will help.

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